Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
For the COACH
Howdo I sign up?
Simply enter your email in the box designed for it and click the register button. You will automatically receive an email with the exacts steps to complete the registration. They are just two. Put your username and your password. We also give you the option of put your photo. That would be nice for your athletes.
How do I register my athletes?
Once you have entered you will go by entering your email in the»plates». Each plate will be an athlete.By entering your mail there, it will automatically generate an email to your athlete saying you want to train him, and get a link with instructions. As they go in and putting their photos the environment will become so much friendlier.
What happens when I run out of free time with my account, is deleted?
Not at all. All that happens is that you lose access to plan workouts. All information and your athletes still there. The moment you decide to pay, if you wish, you can have exactly the same content as the day you left. In fact you could have even more, since the athletes are allowed to access their accounts and could have left feedback even without having nothing scheduled. If you decide to leave our platform, we will keep your data by default for one year, if you want this to happen before you just have to write a mail to elequipo@train2go.com.
What is the difference between standard payment and recurring payment?
The standard payment is a payment which you have to renew every month. It can be done with your PayPal account or with a credit card.
The recurring payment makes this operation more comfortable, pay once and forget it. We will take care of that every month you spend the appropriate amount of the fee.
What happens if I change my plan asset having a recurring payment?
The recurring payment will be auto canceled. Either because it has increased the number of athletes and you will have to pay more, or vice versa, because you have fallen and you can save a few dolars. At the end of each month we will recalculate wich plan fits better to your needs. That is, you will never be charged a single dolar without your permission.
Can I cancel a recurring payment at any time??
Of course. You only have to enter in your PayPal profile and click a button. Your profile will remain active until the end of the month, and then again have two payment options. Standard, or recurrent.
Now I have an active plan. Can I change it?
Sure. The circumstances of the coaches and athletes change frequently, so at the end of each month we will suggest a plan that best suits your needs, either a higher or a lower plan.
What happens to my account if I stop paying for a month?
Absolutely nothing. If it happens that all your athletes have the same rest period can stop paying a month or two, or three, and stop any time. The inactivity limit is 1 year. If after one year the account has no use it will be automatically deleted.
How can I reuse my favorite workouts?
You can reuse activities (eg visual), days, or even weeks.With the copy and paste buttons, activities/ days /weeks, you can reuse the same workout even through other athlete profile. So these work outs we always like to have, will save us a lot of time in planning.
What do the colors mean around my athletes?
Colors are only activated when the athlete requires your attention. Orange when you have new comments, and red when there are no scheduled sessions.
Do not let me plan workouts. When I click on my Athletes system tell me «You are notathorized …»
It has probably expired your monthly payment or your recurring payment has been cancelled because you have a changed your plan.
When i log-in i show up directly in my profile page.
It has probably expired your monthly payment or your recurring payment has been cancelled because you have a changed your plan.
How do I sign up?
You’ll have to wait an invitation from your coach. You will receive an email with instructions with clear steps to follow, wich is basically to pick a password. If you also put your zip code, we will calculate the weather conditions in your city. In addition to making life easier for your coach, it would be great to upload a picture of you.
Does it cost anything?
No. Payment profile is only for coaches.
If my coach stops paying T2G, will I lose my profile and my workouts??
No, your workouts are yours, and you can enter in your profile at anytime. In fact you can even change your coach without affecting your profile.